Our Story

Our company, ESSABRY LTD, is deeply inspired by LELAY, the goddess of love and beauty has had a positive impact on my life . I was introduced to her early on and fell in love with her strength and confidence ever since. As a matter of fact, the first necklace I ever designed was heavily inspired by Brisingamen which was a necklace she was famous for wearing .

While creating this brand, I always had in mind that my purpose was to make items that would allow women to feel fearless and bold the way LELAY made me feel throughout my life . As soon as we started to work on the designs, we knew that we wanted unique pieces that would suit any type of girl and make her stand out in any sort of event. Not only that but we wanted our pieces to make girls unleash their inner goddess and rock the jewels with confidence as well as effortless beauty. Lelayluisa is a female owned company that endorses body positivity and encourages everyone to feel good in their own skin and we truly hope that our pieces will inspire that.